Personal home care & cosmetics
Personal home care & cosmetics
The cosmetics and home care industry is one with constant market demand. Involving the manufacturing of a variety of products such as skincare, hair care, cosmetics, and toiletries, manufacturers in the cosmetics industry need to be able to produce products that meet high safety and quality standards to stay competitive. Similarly, home care products such as detergents and cleaning products are also expected to comply with strict regulations and market requirements.
At ABS, we are no stranger to the home care and cosmetic industry and have been supplying high-performing pumps and services such as our tank cleaning system that keeps hygiene and low cost at the forefront. This is coupled with our expertise in separation systems, heat exchangers and fluid handling components that provide manufacturers with reliable solutions to their production needs.
At ABS, we are no stranger to the home care and cosmetic industry and have been supplying high-performing pumps and services such as our tank cleaning system that keeps hygiene and low cost at the forefront. This is coupled with our expertise in separation systems, heat exchangers and fluid handling components that provide manufacturers with reliable solutions to their production needs.